Standings Updated 5/14/23 – 12 more events added!

Keep the tournament reports coming, folks! We are now up to a whopping 38 qualifying events this season and increasing by the month!

Apologies for the slow speed of updates, we were getting ready for the fantastic Richmond Fauxpen that took place last weekend in Richmond, Virginia. It featured a great turnout and one of the coolest tables we have ever seen at a Malifaux tournament! The Bonanza Brawl arena by Sebastian Padrino featured a master picture for every leader in the game allowing each match to have giant billboards. This one was Hamelin versus Ulix with each of the masters’ potential summons making up the audience.

So, head on over to the standings page for the latest results and as always, if you have an event that you don’t see on the events list, send it to us!